
Are you feeling parental alienation?

What to Do When Dealing with Parental Alienation

When parents divorce or terminate their relationship, the objective should always be to co-parent so that the children may maintain a good rapport with both of their parents. In rare circumstances, this might be impossible because one parent may try to impede the kids’ connection with the other parent. When this happens, parental alienation may be to blame. If you believe that your child or someone you know is not able to have the same relationship with their children after a relationship comes to an end, it’s important for them to take action quickly.

When one parent begins using words or actions that may induce a child to form beliefs about one parent, swift legal action should be taken to stop it before the problem becomes more difficult to handle. We’ve seen situations where parents have had an excellent relationship with their sons or daughters suddenly deteriorate. This allows the manipulating parent to say, “It’s not me.They just do not want to be around you. ” Our attorneys have more than 35 years of combined specialty family law expertise, and they understand that coping with parental alienation entails overcoming both emotional and legal difficulties. The O’Connor family law firm is here to help and support you throughout this difficult time.

When dealing with parental alienation, start small.

Parental alienation can occur at multiple stages. It may appear impossible if you or someone you know is in a position where the kids are refusing to see their parents, but giving up is not the answer. Maintaining a relationship with your children, even in minor ways, is an important element of coping with parental alienation. As a result, attorneys frequently advise parents to collaborate with their children or the alienated parent to restore the parent-child connection.

  • Sending encouraging and considerate cards and letters is a wonderful way to show your appreciation.
  • It’s a good idea to keep track of birthdays and special days.
  • It would be better to schedule a bi-weekly phone or video conversations.
  • When there have been allegations of physical abuse, requesting supervised visits away from the home (when possible)
  • Requesting for additional visits that are less lengthy, but more frequent
  • Get to know what’s going on with the kids.
  • Participate in school events or activities, whether you’re sitting in the corner and they don’t notice you.

Find out more about parental alienation here

Get in Touch with a Compassionate Family Lawyer

If a co-parent or child openly disregards all attempts at contact for the sake of a new relationship, you should consult with legal counsel. An attorney from our firm can fight to safeguard or rebuild the bond you once had with your kid that the other parent has worked to destroy.

The assumption is that children have benefited the most when two fit parents share custody equally. Advocates in Massachusetts must consider each parent’s readiness to assist healthy connections between children and a co-parent in making custody and visitation decisions. In parental alienation situations, the alienated parent’s ex-spouse or partner will usually attempt to place the blame on them for the problem. He or she was violent, unresponsive to children, or has any other kind of issue that is only meant to “muddy the waters.”It is critical to work with an attorney that recognizes the significance of a merely stated allegation. Working with an attorney who can also examine your actions and propose changes to help strengthen your connection is just as essential.

When faced with parental alienation, you can seek judicial intervention.

Unless compelled to address their behavior, most parents who are attempting to disrupt the other parent’s relationship will refuse to negotiate amicably. They will continue until the kid believes all bad things about the other parent and refuses on his or her own to have a connection. In these situations, you’ll want assistance from a family court. You might be able to.

Parental alienation may also be used as justification to change an existing child custody order, as several courts are recognizing that parental alienation has long-term consequences for children that are just as severely as physical or emotional abuse. Although the routes to correct the problem may be lengthy and tiring, even if you wait to start correcting your ex’s manipulative behaviors, a judge may issue many orders that will help you and your children return on track. A complaint may be filed on your behalf by one of our incredible attorneys with a lot of expertise dealing with parental alienation situations.

When handling parental alienation, don’t involve the kids.

While it’s inconvenient when the other parent refuses you access to see, communicate, or take part in decisions with your children, it’s vital not to involve your children while dealing with parental alienation disputes. Parents are responsible for promoting a good parent-child relationship. You may harm your case if you discuss legal difficulties with your children instead of an attorney, therapist, or the court.

When they are handled correctly, judges typically take emotional manipulation (i.e. Badmouthing the other parent, encouraging the kids to not see the other parent, or treating children as a sounding board for their frustrations about the other parent) very seriously. When Massachusetts family courts create or adjust child custody orders, they consider these activities. Parents have been fined by the judges for discouraging healthy parent-child relationships.